Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Might be King

It must be great to be President Bush. From day one he has ruled as if he has had a major mandate - despite losing the popular vote in 2000, and surviving a relatively close election in 2004. Granted, I would do the same thing if no one (re: Congress) did anything to stop me. But at some point he has to realize this isn't going to continue.

The best part about Bush's Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal is that it tries to sound like he is willing to meet in the middle when all of his talking points are strong conservative policies like no government intervention to help those in need, no change in foreign policy, and no repeal of his tax cuts. So basically, despite the fact that his approval ratings are in the toilet and a Democratic Congress was elected largely as a rejection of his administration, he still wants to continue with business as usual. Brilliant.

1 comment:

Tired and Mad said...

well if i were Bush i too would think the same. i mean what have the democrats done to try and stop his (or Bush sr.) plans. Nothing really, they voted for the patriot act which is a complete invasion of privacy -and used 9-11 as an excuse. and more importantly they voted for the war, even though many had doubts that WMDs even existed. Nothing ever gets challenged, no body protested in the 2000 elections when one minute you go to bed thinking gore is president and the next minute you find out you are wrong. So is it really that hard to believe that Bush would continue to think that he can get away with it?