Sunday, March 08, 2009

Losing Faith

As much as it pains me to say this, I am losing faith in Governor Paterson. And it seems I am not alone. There is not one thing to point to, but a collection of small decisions that do not make sense. I understand that the state is facing a large budget deficit. In two of his proposed solutions, one borrows from the future to pay a part of next year's deficit and the other cuts funding for a cheap but meaningful service (Governor's Island) for very small budget savings.

In fact, I perceive that his administration is trying to balance the budget through lots of small changes that might affect only small constituencies instead of big but painful changes. This choice makes me question his leadership. I want a governor who is going to stand up and make bold choices in the face of a terrible economy. Instead, I feel like he wants to slide by quietly and hope to not makes waves with his budget decisions. Budget gimmicks and cutting of cheap services do not get a government through a recession. Only tough but smart choices will.

I also feel like we have a different David Paterson than the one who was lieutenant governor and senate minority leader. I was expecting someone who was liberal but collegial. Instead, we seem to have a moderate - one who is easing a Pataki environmental decision and less vocal about reforms to the Rockefeller Drug Laws.

Of course, you can draw a comparison to Obama - another person who seemed to be liberal but collegial and instead is showing to be more moderate - but Obama seems more in charge and willing to make tough decisions and defend them. If Paterson is going to win back trust, he is going to have to be more transparent about, and show strength in, his choices.

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