As you might guess, I have less time to read the news and blog these days. But one place I still check in on is Paul Krugman's blog. When it comes to economics, budget, and spending issues - including health care - he has the most clear writing and the best analysis.
Yet it seems to me he spends a lot of time repeating himself. I don't blame him of course. I think it stems from the fact that he makes obvious points that fail to make any traction. Take a recent post explaining that federal spending as a percent of GDP has increased recently in large part because GDP growth has slowed so much and because spending on the safety net increased to deal with the recession. I swear I have read this at least a few times. (It is also true that much of the budget debt we have is due to Bush policies - and Krugman has made this point as well.)
In another post, Krugman makes the point that the health care plan we have is as conservative as it can be if we want to have something close to universal coverage. I am sure Krugman has made this point before as well.
It is a shame that Krugman, and those making similar points, are not being heard.