Monday, September 25, 2006

A Little More Impressed

I have been hating on Ned Lamont for quite a while now. I didn't like that he was a one issue candidate, I didn't like that he had no experience and hadn't seemed to give much thought about the issues until he began his campaign, and I was worried that he was more moderate conservative than Lieberman.

A recent article in the NY Times has helped with some of those worries, especially the one about him being a one-issue candidate. Although I don't agree with all of his proposals (especially what he says about education), it is nice to see him laying out some real policies.

Still, one of my concerns remains:
In style and substance, Mr. Lamont, as a newcomer to statewide campaigning and national politics, has both an asset and a liability.

Some voters are eager to chat at length when he fires a handful of questions back at them.

Others are wary of somebody who is still shaping his views and lacks government experience.
So what are some of his issues - he supports universal healthcare, rolling back some of the tax cuts, and he is opposed to earmarks. Isn't that cute? Another rookie congressman who says he will oppose pork. If he gets elected, I give him four years before he caves in and realizes he needs to pork to win reelection.

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